Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Full time jobs

My poor husband has been working awful hours. He works seven days a week and most are 12-16 hours a day. I certainly don't get to spend as much time with him as i'd like. And he don't get to spend much time with Riley. And for the next 3 weeks he's having to work night shift which is something that I will never get use to. I prefer sleeping with my husband at night and not in an empty bed. Praying its only for 3 weeks. I complain a lot about my job.....stay at home mom, but his job is more worthy of complaint.

It's very hard caring for a baby 24/7 with very little break or time for myself. Even as i type this, i'm constantly picking up the toy riley keeps throwing down and crying about. I have learned more about multi-tasking and making ugly faces than anything else. Randy's job is different. He works long hours and seldom has time for himself, and his job doesn't include the love of his son. I don't tell him enough how much I appreciate what he does as a husband and provider. His job is hard but it is allowing me to be a stay at home mom for a little while. I really don't think i would be able to devote as much time to Riley, Randy, the house and other projects if i had a job away from home. I never thought i would be ok being at home all the time without a regular job, but I enjoy being able to devote myself to my son and my husband. I get frustrated sometimes but i wouldn't trade my slouchy dress, no making wearing, no jewelry wearing, getting up at 5am just to get a shower before the baby wakes up, no free time, no clean house, and formula smelling body for any money paying job. Thank you for all you do Randy! Riley and I love you very much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I completely agree with u on that being a stay at home mom is a hard job. And that I'm sure I don't tell my randy how much I appreciate how hard he works for us. He works his butt off to help support three children he doesn't have to. And I am forever thankful... I think ur family is gorgeous and I'm so happy that ur so happy. Even with me and jeff and ms terri and mark getting divorced, I still like to think of u guys as my family.. I will get with u soon to set up an appointment for pictures. I can't wait!