Friday, April 29, 2011

Walmart Service Center - ARGH!!

I'm not one to write bad things about people or companies but today has just been one of those days that makes me want to at least warn others about Walmart Service Center. Randy took his truck in to have tires swapped on his truck. He has a set of "hunting" tires and "regular" tires. He also wanted an oil change. What we got was no swapping of tires and a dead battery. They didn't change the tires because Randy has a ball joint going out or something. And they left his door ajar so it ran down his battery. We talked to the manager but he said the "machine" showed that the battery needed replacing anyway and it was basically a "coincidence" that the battery went out while at walmart. I'm not real bright but he couldn't proove that, yet he still refused to pay for us a new battery. Now, i understand people make mistakes and i wasn't mad about that but i do expect people to make things right. Anyway, we didn't have a choice but buy a battery....and from THEM. One of the workers caught up to us as we were leaving and basically apologized about the tires not getting done. He said he was at lunch or he would've done it. They were just too lazy to do it. He said next time to ask specifically for him. Thank you Al! We are aware too that we're not the only ones with complaints and he's made those known to management so maybe something will be done. But for now.....i think i'll stick with going to people i know that will get the job done and done right. I am, however, very proud of my hubby for getting his point across but not losing his temper. :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April's Furry

As the world knows, the past 2 days have been a very sad time for us southeners. My husband and I decided to go driving around to some of the areas hit by tornadoes today. Yea, we were one of the "crazy bottleneckers" or "sightseers". Seeing pictures and videos on tv and internet does not do the devastation justice. Seeing it first hand is such a surreal experience. I was speechless. And we couldn't even get to some of the harder hit areas.

My heart goes out to all the families affected by this tragedy. I too have been affected....mentally. I just can't imagine going through what these people are going through....the loss of possessions and most importantly the loss of life. Things can be replaced, people can't. But as most tragedies have shown, with all the sad stories being broadcast, there are also stories of strength, hope and unity. My strength and hope resides with God. Where does your strength and hope come from? As Christians, we should unite in prayer. Real prayer. Don't just say your going to pray, actually take the time to do it. Take a few minutes from your busy schedule to reach out to the one person that can help the most.

The Lord never promises us tomorrow, so be ready today. Never let a day go by that you don't tell your family you love them. I just wanted to grab up Randy and Riley and hold them and never let them go. Be careful what you say and do. You don't want any regrets. Use "I'm sorry" when needed and mean it. And most importantly, be right with God. We're not promised tomorrow so get right with God today. Don't just say you're a christian, be one. Know Jesus Christ as your savior so that when your time on earth is done, you can still live forever in paradise.

Everyone can help the survivors of this tragedy. Whether giving a helping hand, donating, giving blood, or being in continuous prayer. Do these things as if it were YOUR family that needed it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Whats New?

* Easter is fast approaching. Luckily Riley's Easter outfit came in so that i could get his pictures made. Here's a'll have to visit my photography website to see them all. and look under "Holidays" and then "Easter - Riley".

* So far i have not started exercising. Apparently putting it on the internet is still not motivation enough to make me do it. With the weather getting warmer, maybe i'll at least get a little more active.

* Riley now has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth, can say "dadda" clearly. He so funny. Sometimes i think i hear him say "hey" at just the right time. Like he knows what he's saying. You can ask him a question and i swear he will say "no" or shake his head no. This may not be a good thing. He also claps a lot now and gives me "5" up high and down low (I'm sure this will be important one day).

* Riley loves to pull hair and anything else he can get his hands on. Even pulled my shirt out for the world to see one day. Had to explain to the guy that Riley is like his daddy. He just laughed. Guess i'll have to invest in sleeveless turtlenecks.

* Riley has learned to give "sugar". Granted its mostly to me, he dont puker, and its a nice wet slimmy kiss on my mouth. YUMMY! haha  But i wouldn't trade his wet kisses for nothing. Hopefully he wont try to give others a kiss on the mouth.

* My little man is 9mo old and still not crawling. He sure looks like he wants to but he just hasn't figured it out yet.

* Still haven't found a food Riley dont like and we are now trying out some stage 3 foods and table foods.

* Randy has just come home from a 2 week business trip. He went to TX for a week, came home for 1 whole day, then to Colorado for a week. I didn't realize how much i missed him till he came home. Riley and i were so happy to see him. And it's nice to have a little bit of help too!

Well, that's all i can think of at the moment. But i will post more at a later date....if you can tolerate any more "motherhood" info. I always hated hanging out with "moms" because that's all they talked about. And of course i had no idea cause i didn't have kids....and to be honest i really just didn't care to hear all their baby stories....i mean, how boring. Well, the tables have turned, i am now one of those moms! :)  haha