Thursday, April 28, 2011

April's Furry

As the world knows, the past 2 days have been a very sad time for us southeners. My husband and I decided to go driving around to some of the areas hit by tornadoes today. Yea, we were one of the "crazy bottleneckers" or "sightseers". Seeing pictures and videos on tv and internet does not do the devastation justice. Seeing it first hand is such a surreal experience. I was speechless. And we couldn't even get to some of the harder hit areas.

My heart goes out to all the families affected by this tragedy. I too have been affected....mentally. I just can't imagine going through what these people are going through....the loss of possessions and most importantly the loss of life. Things can be replaced, people can't. But as most tragedies have shown, with all the sad stories being broadcast, there are also stories of strength, hope and unity. My strength and hope resides with God. Where does your strength and hope come from? As Christians, we should unite in prayer. Real prayer. Don't just say your going to pray, actually take the time to do it. Take a few minutes from your busy schedule to reach out to the one person that can help the most.

The Lord never promises us tomorrow, so be ready today. Never let a day go by that you don't tell your family you love them. I just wanted to grab up Randy and Riley and hold them and never let them go. Be careful what you say and do. You don't want any regrets. Use "I'm sorry" when needed and mean it. And most importantly, be right with God. We're not promised tomorrow so get right with God today. Don't just say you're a christian, be one. Know Jesus Christ as your savior so that when your time on earth is done, you can still live forever in paradise.

Everyone can help the survivors of this tragedy. Whether giving a helping hand, donating, giving blood, or being in continuous prayer. Do these things as if it were YOUR family that needed it.

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